
Moving off Google

 Please join me at my new blog.

(Why give any more to Google - home of "Do(n't) be evil".)


Extraverts rule the world

And extraverts have constructed things, so that they pocket most of the money.

(A bit more specific than simply extraverts; click through for the details.)

What to do?

  1. Be aware that this is happening, and that you're being judged with this bias.
  2. If desired, take steps to counter it. (No; it's not necessary to become an extravert.)


can't worry about everything

 literally - so pick something specific, to _do_ something about.


Still here

 just consumed, as most of us are, by… gestures vaguely at everything…

I've been spending a bit more time on twitter (much useful and actionable info - from certain specific sources who've demonstrated usefulness)

and on facebook (trying like hell to counter the tide of disinformation - and utter BS - there)